Space Punks aims to turn top-down gaming into a hobby

Space Punks aims to turn top-down gaming into a hobby

April 20, 2022 0 By Brian Crecente

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It started as a desire to create not just a video game, but a digital hobby.

“It’s not going to be a game for five hours, let’s create a game that will sustain for years,” said Michal Kuk, developer Flying Wild Hogs creative director on the upcoming game Space Punks.

That desire to create a living, evolving online co-op action role-playing game helped to drive many of the design choices made in Space Punks’ early inception. But there was another desire as well.

The team at Flying Wild Hogs had been playing a lot of top-down games at the time–titles like HELLDIVERS–and they noticed that the genre didn’t seem to have many games that also included role-playing game elements and fast-paced action. 

This growing desire to fill that void dovetailed nicely with the studio’s decision to try to diversify its library of games. Previous Flying Wild Hog games included third and first-person action titles and shooters like Evil West, and the run of Shadow Warrior titles. And even a side-view game. But nothing top-down.

To read the rest of this story, which first ran on April 20, 2022, visit the Epic Games Store.