Do the fawn and wolf pup die in hand-drawn coop video game Blanc?

Do the fawn and wolf pup die in hand-drawn coop video game Blanc?

February 14, 2023 0 By Brian Crecente

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Don’t worry, you can play Blanc. The cub and the fawn don’t die.

That may sound like a major spoiler for a game that didn’t come out until this week, but the developers know just how attached their audience has become to the black and white duo. And besides, a big point of developing Blanc was proving you could pluck at the emotions of players without having to fall back on killing two adorable little animals.

In Blanc, players take control of a small white deer fawn and a black tufted wolf cub. Both are hand drawn, as is the snow-drift-covered world they explore. It’s a game that can be played by two players, or by one with a bit of ambidextrous thumbstickery. It’s also the first commercially released game by Casus Ludi, a studio that’s been around since 2014.

The studio was formed around three people who kept running into each other at game jams. They decided to focus initially on Newsgames – which essentially apply journalistic principles to video games. Eventually, the trio branched out to other forms of persuasive game development.

To read the rest of this story, which first ran on Feb. 14, 2023, visit the Epic Games Store.