Total Annihilation meets Factorio in The Riftbreaker

Total Annihilation meets Factorio in The Riftbreaker

October 13, 2021 0 By Brian Crecente

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Inspired by the likes of real-time strategy titles like Total Annihilation and Factorio, The Riftbreaker was born out of an internal game design competition at EXOR Studios which it overwhelmingly won.

“After releasing X-Morph: Defense we were looking for ideas for a new project, so we decided to run a game design competition within our team,” said Piotr Bomak, community manager at the studio. “Each member could submit as many game concepts as they liked. We ended up with over 40 ideas for new games. After reading through all of them, we held a vote. The concept for The Riftbreaker ended up getting votes from every single member of our team. We knew at that point that the idea of making The Riftbreaker resonated really well with us—there is something in it for everyone!”

Bomak said the studio spent hundreds of hours playing games like Total Annihilation, Supreme Commander, Starcraft, and Factorio. 

To read the rest of this interview, which first ran on Oct. . 13, 2021, visit Epic Game Store